To Get Started: Make sure the LRS programmer application is opened to the right device - Pronto.
- compare your screen to the screen shot below.
- it has a tendency to open up to the "Table Genie" device. At the bottom center of the application page, there is an option for "Current Device." The icon below that will show which device it intends to help you program. If it says Table Genie, and it does not say Pronto, click on it and you can select Pronto. You will see the tabs at the top of the screen change to Pronto Configuration.
Step 1:
Click on Global Configuration - This configuration will be applied to all devices. To apply different global configurations, make the desired changes, and then go back to the Pronto Configuration and Program each device you created using the little program link on the far right of that line item for the device(s) created.
The System ID is most important. This is like an operating channel. Look on the packing slip to find the System ID. We set that depending on other systems noted in your area, to avoid local interference.
Group Paging is a way to isolate 2 or more pagers from a bunch of pagers. So if you need to page 2 pagers at the same time with the press of a single button, those 2 alpha type pagers will need to be programmed to share a common pager identity. Example: Pager numbers 101 and 102 can be programmed into group 2 at LRS, so when you page them, the pager number calling them is 2. (group 2). Note: This is not the same as having a pager number programmed as pager # 2. A group page is a different paging signal than a single pager number.
- If you are not programing the pagers into Groups, then do not enable this feature in the Pronto programming.
The All Page is a way to page all the pagers you have with the press of a single button. The pager number for this is 911. This is not a group page, and the pagers are already programmed to do this for you.
-When programming the pronto buttons, you can use pager # 911 as the pager number for that button and it will page to all the pagers you have. This can be very convenient and easy to alert all staff members to the task at hand.
Add table number: I recommend you do Not use this feature unless you are using about 25 or more Pronto units in a large building, to help you alert staff to 25 different places around the property. It will put the pronto ID number at the front and the end of every message. It is excessive.
Re-Page: This is a good feature to use if you want the pagers to alert more than 1 time from the press of a single button. When using the re-page feature, the pager(s) that respond to the page will go off a total of 4 times. That is 3 additional pages after the initial page at the interval you set in seconds. So if you set the re-page time to 90 seconds, the pagers will go off every 1.5 minutes for a total of 4 pages.
-If you just want the pagers to respond whenever a button is pressed, it is best to ignore this feature.
-Note: if using the re-page, you have to enable the cancel acknowledge feature. Keep the messages short as the re-page and the cancel messages will follow on with the original masse. So for this message, just type in Done or Finished
- The Battery alert feature sounds great in theory. The pronto does not keep time, so just consider that when the batteries are low on the pronto paging device, it might send the alert to tell you at 2 AM.
- If using this feature, just put in 15 (%) and a 3 digit pager number that a lead person will be using.
- Additional Pronto Settings / Beep loudness control
- We recommend using this feature. You really want the pronto to beep when you press a button to page someone. It will tell you if the pronto is powered on and able to send a page. The pronto will have a good beep when it is paging. When the batteries are dying out, it will sound more like a low toned “Huh” sound, and you will know it is not paging anyone.
- To ensure this is enabled, make sure the box on the far left is checked, keep it on Mid, and then have the beep on cancel button checked.
- If you do NOT want the pronto to beep when you press a button to page, Uncheck the box for Beep on Cancel, and then uncheck the box for Additional Pronto settings.
Step 2 - Pronto Button Programming
We recommend using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for your paging messages. It will make the Font seem bigger on the pagers. (There is not a font adjustment on the pagers).
Table / Room number is like a device or Room number. Example: if you have 5 pronto devices, the first one is table # 1. Just type in 1 in this field.
Alert Messages: Type in the message that will direct and alert the pager wearer / staff member to the right location for the task at hand. For example: RM 1 TECH NEEDED. I recommend starting the message with the location. After 3 to 6 months of using the system, the users might recognize the alert quickly, but will need to know where to go most of all.
- Use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for your paging messages to make the FONT seem bigger on the pagers.
- Alert Mode - to control the pager alert mode from the pager, choose Default. If you need the pagers to Beep and Vibrate, then choose that type of alert from the drop down menu. This way your staff cannot change settings on a pager and say they never got the page.
- Default allows you to use the page alert menu on the E467 pager. You can get a longer vibration out of the pager alert mode options on the pager than this drop down will offer. Any other option than choosing default will override that pager menu selection.
Insert the pager number you want to deliver the message to. To reach all the pagers at the same time, insert pager # 911.
- Manager Pager # (at the top right of the screen) - if not using the repage feature, just put a 3 digit number in this field like 244 or 300. It needs to be a 3 digit number, it cannot be 911, and you would rather it is not a pager number that you are using to page someone to complete tasks. So for example, you have 5 pagers that are all number 101 and you are not using the re-page feature, just put pager # 244 up the manager pager # field.
- this feature is for the use of the re-page feature. It will send a page to the manager’s pager is the rest of the team has not received and cancelled the page within 3 page alerts. So the 4th page will go to the manager as well.
If there is not a person who has a pager, that is not responding to all task alert messages, unless the pages are getting missed, then just put a pager number in this field that you do not have, like 244.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not use this product for critical emergency notification / life-threatening emergencies
When you are done programming the buttons as desired, click on save so you can click the little program button the far right to program the device.
Step 3 – Programming the Pronto Device
After you have saved your table / pronto settings, you will see that you have a line item running across the page. This is the summary of your device.
Click on the edit button on the far right if you need to make any changes.
Click on the Program button on the far right if you want to program the settings into the Pronto to use it as you had programmed the settings.
Note: If changes were made to the programming after you had already programmed the device, you will need to program it again.
Make sure the Batteries are out of the Pronto Device before connecting the cable to program it.
Make sure the 4 prong device is fully seated in the back of the pronto - and none of the buttons are getting pressed down
Click on Program on the far right for that device, and go through the prompts
- At the end, you should see a screen that says "Programming Succeeded"