The wait list shows how many guests are in each party, the name of the parties, a timer for how long they have been waiting, and the time they expect to be seated.
You can filter by party sizes of 2, 4, 6, and 8 or more by selecting the filter numbers on the top navigation. Each filter selection shows the range of party, plus and minus one. For example, if you select 4, you’ll see all parties of 3 to 5 waiting. To unselect the filters, tap it once more or just select All.
You can view only seated parties by tapping on Seated. Additionally, the search tool allows to search for guests that are waiting.
When it is time to let your guests know their table is ready, simply select the party name on the left and hit the Notify Guest button. Depending on which option your guests chose, they will either receive a text or a page. The message they receive prompts the guest to approach the hostess stand. This message can be tailored for your restaurant in the Settings option.
When a text has been sent a green SMS box will appear to show that the party has been successfully notified. If notification cannot be confirmed then the icon will be displayed in red.
Once a guest has been notified a timer indicating how long it has been since the text or page was sent will appear next to the icon. If a guest is slow to respond, you can to re-page or text again by clicking on the Notify button one more time. When the guest reports to the hostess stand you can remove them from the wait list queue by selecting Seat.
If a status is prematurely or incorrectly changed to Seated this can be reverted. Select the guest to revert from the Seated tab and tap the Recall button. This will bring the party back to the wait list.
If a guest needs to be deleted from the wait list for a reason other than being seated, just select the guest and then Remove located in the top right corner. To prevent accidental removals a confirmation will be prompted after selecting Remove.
You can view a Guest's History in the guest zoom to the left. The history will show when your guest was added, notified, updated, and seated.