The latest version of NPU includes several software updates and improvements making it viable with current Windows OS versions and code, as well as more functional for end users.
Bug Fix from Beta Version: removed issue with duplicate wait lists viewed by Admin role.
Improvements include:
- Browser compatibility updates – NPU is compatible with both Windows 7 and 10 and better functions on Internet Explorer. NPU is not compatible with Windows 8 or 8.1. Find install instructions for updating your Microsoft Operating System here.
- Java security platform – NPU was updated to the latest Java security platform.
- Transmitter integration – Transmitters are identified within NPU by their serial number, no longer their IP address, thereby eliminating false notifications that the transmitter is offline when the IP address updates. The serial number will not change like IP addresses may. Additionally, NPU users now have the option to opt out of the “loss connection” emails if they no longer wish to receive them.
- Updated SMS service – SMS texting service was updated to use 10-digit long-codes vs. 5-digit short codes, offering more reliability across all mobile messaging carriers. SMS usage reporting is available both within NPU and online at LRS Connect. Additionally, SMS text packages have been updated to a monthly subscription model. If you’re interested in learning more about NPU text messaging plans, contact your LRS sales representative.
- Staff pager programming bug fix – the number of beeps while programming is consistent with the interface, and the "invalid prg" message no longer is displayed.
- User import improvement – the administrator flag in the CSV file is now handled correctly.
- User role permission settings improvement – by default, users will have their role permissions set to 7-days without having to manually select each day of the week. Days can still be customized be deselecting days.
- Admin rights improvement – Admin users will now have default access to all lists.
Note for customers on version 2.5.61: Some customers that remain on version 2.5.61 may be on a build that uses HTTP vs HTTPS. This means that their system is a bit more insecure as they are not using the security certificates and but because of it, they are not subject to the SSL updates that required all others to update their system. It's recommended that any customer on 2.5.61 update to this latest version, no matter, to ensure their system is well secured with the latest certificates.