- NetPage Unlimited Server should only be installed on 1 PC/Server per company.
- NetPage Unlimited Server Software must run on either Windows 2000, XP Pro, XP Home, Windows 7, or Windows 10.
- A Windows Server is not required.
- NetPage Unlimited users can access NetPage from the latest version of any of these browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE 8, 9, 10, and 11, and Safari.
In order for users to be able to connect to the LRS database (used for registration and account verification) the following ports should be opened:
• outbound connection to netpage.pager.net on port 443
• outbound connection to netpage1.pager.net on port 443
• inbound connection from local network on the port that netpage server is installed with (80 or 8080)
In order for the Transmitter and each computer to connect to the Server or PC hosting the Net Page program, the following firewall ports must be opened:
• 3701 UDP (Client PC / Transmitter->NetPage)
• 3700 TCP (Netpage-> Client PC / Transmitter)