If your Guest Sessions system experiences any iPad - Transmitter connection issues, try the below steps to help resolve.
NOTE: If uncertain, please consult an LRS representative before proceeding.
1 - Verify the connection count that shows next to the time on the transmitter screen. Does it say 1 or 2? If only 1, the mode of TT application on each iPad should be checked.
2 - If modes were correct, then we can try clearing the sessions. If the transmitter is running, then the following steps can be followed:
Clear Active Orders
Setup -> System -> Guest Sessions -> Sessions -> Active -> Remove All and then
Purge history
Setup -> System -> Guest Sessions -> Sessions -> History -> Purge History
3 - If that doesn't help, then we can try clearing the cache (Power cycle + holding CLEAR button) Afterwards, need to reenable guest sessions + network + device code.