The Monthly Snapshot email is sent to all users with access to your LRS Connect account, regardless of their role. Statistics shown correspond with the previous 2 months and are for the overall account and not location specific. Emails are sent around the 7th of each month.
The header shows the name of the account as it appears in LRS Connect, and the Reporting month. In the example below, the Reporting month is February and the email was sent in early March. Statistics included in the email refer to both the Reporting month and the previous one. In this case, February is This Month and January is Last Month.
Delivery Time
Time measured from order start to clear. The time displayed on the email represents the average Delivery Time for each month, allowing for quick comparison. The Account Goal is the goal you set in LRS Connect. NOTE - This is different from the local goals set at each location on the TT application. Learn more about Account Goal here.
Percentage Goal Met
Percentage of orders that were delivered within the Account Goal time set in LRS Connect per month.
Alert Messages Sent
Number of alert notifications sent per month based on Target Delivery Time thresholds. Learn more about Alert Notifications here.
Total number of orders started and cleared per month.