The Daily Stats Email is sent to LRS Connect users who opted in by going to the Users menu tab, selecting the user and then selecting the Daily stats email checkbox.
Note that there is a separate Monthly Snapshot email sent to all users with access to your LRS Connect account, regardless of their role.
Statistics shown correspond to the previous day's activities for the overall account and for the 5 busiest locations based on the number of orders. Emails are sent daily in the early morning hours.
The header shows the name of the account as it appears in LRS Connect, and the Reporting day. In the example below, the Reporting day is November 1, 2017 and the email was sent on November 2, 2017.
Counts - Number of orders created by order type yesterday.
Average Delivery Time - Average delivery time based on the elapsed time between order start and clear.
% Goal Met - Percentage of orders cleared within the target delivery time set in LRS Connect. Learn how to set yours up here.
Busiest Hour - Yesterday's hour of the day in which the highest number of orders was created.
Slowest Hour - Yesterday's hour of the day in which the lowest number of orders was created.
Longest Avg. Delivery Time - Hour of the day with the highest Average Delivery Time.
Shortest Avg. Delivery Time - Hour of the day with the lowest Average Delivery Time.