Paging allows you to simply hand out pagers and track the elapsed time since the session is started until the pager is notified and then the session is cleared. Select the paging mode on your iOS Table Tracker app and read how to enable Guest Sessions on your transmitter.
You can have up to 3 iPads or paging panels connected to your transmitter so you can track sessions from different areas of your business. Each paging panel will synch the Guest Sessions screen sharing the view into started pagers and their labels.
Start a pager. Press the + button at the bottom right of the screen, enter the pager number you'd like to start and add to the queue and a pager button will appear on the screen. Depending on how you set your Panel Preferences, you can also label a pager to associate a pager number with a secondary piece of information like an order number, the guest's name or a space assignment.
Notify a pager. The pager button's outline will change from it's current state to green. Depending on how you set your Panel Preferences, while the pager button's animation is still in progress and you can cancel the page if you pressed the button by mistake or you changed your mind. You have 3 seconds to cancel the page before it's delivered to the pager. To cancel, simply tap the pager button again. Once a pager button has been pressed to page, and not cancelled, the pager button's outline remains in the screen with the border in green indicating that it has been successfully paged.
Clear a Guest Session. Once the guest returns their pager and you are ready to successfully end their session, tap the pager button to Clear it. You'll see a green animation with a checkmark and the pager button will disappear, resorting the remaining pager buttons in the queue.
Remove a Guest Session. If you have a guest abandon the queue and would like to end their session as unsuccessful end of their session, tap and hold the pager button to Remove it. You'll see a red animation with an X and the pager button will disappear, resorting the remaining pager buttons in the queue.
Guest Sessions Stats
The Paging panel stats are designed for store managers to quickly review recent performance activity. Stats are reset daily, at midnight.
Sessions Started Today - Count of sessions started today.
Average Notify Time Today - Average time to notify for sessions notified today.
Target Notify Time - Indicates the set Target Notify Time for the Guest Paging panel.
% Sessions Goal Met Today - Percentage of Guest Sessions notified within the Target Notify time.
To access in depth reporting and export a csv file with raw data log into LRS Connect.